Home Stock Markets UBS: Semiconductor Stocks, Excluding AMD and Nvidia, Show Signs of Being Oversold

UBS: Semiconductor Stocks, Excluding AMD and Nvidia, Show Signs of Being Oversold

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UBS analysts, those sharp-eyed, number-crunching sages of the stock market, have dropped a bombshell in their latest research note—and it’s got everyone scrambling. They’re ringing the alarm bells, but also whispering sweet nothings in the ears of savvy investors. What’s going on, you ask? Well, the semiconductor stocks—excluding the big guns AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) and Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA)—are in a freefall, oversold in some corners, and that spells OPPORTUNITY in flashing neon lights.

Let’s break it down: UBS has spotted something intriguing—a market twist that could shake things up. Semis, as they call them, are flipping from red-hot, overbought frenzy to a cool, maybe too cool, oversold state. Just a while ago, these stocks were the darlings of the market, soaring to heights that made the TMT boom look like a warm-up act. We’re talking “4.3 standard deviations overbought,” folks—an altitude where the air gets thin, and only the bravest investors dare to tread.

But oh, how the mighty have tumbled! Now, UBS is saying these same semis (minus the AMD and Nvidia titans) are “clearly oversold.” And here’s the kicker: UBS analysts, with their years of battle scars from bull markets, are stunned. They know that “structural growth stories in a bull market tend not to get very oversold.” Yet, here we are. The semis are limping into the oversold territory, and it’s making everyone’s head spin.

But before you dive headfirst into this oversold pool, hold up! There’s more to the story, and it’s not all rosy. UBS is waving a caution flag, pointing out some ominous clouds on the horizon. Earnings momentum, which has been the wind beneath the semis’ wings, is starting to sputter. Yes, they’ve been outpacing the market for a while, but now? The trend’s looking a little shaky, a little less confident.

And don’t get fooled by the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios that might look like they’ve come down to earth. UBS warns, they’re still hovering about “1 standard deviation above their norm.” Translation? These stocks aren’t exactly a bargain bin find just yet. The price-to-sales ratio is still “2.6 standard deviations above its norm”—so don’t be seduced by the dip without knowing what you’re getting into.

And let’s not forget the elephant in the room—China. The semis sector has deep ties with the Chinese economy, with 20% of revenue and roughly 30% of profits coming from there. But with China’s economy hitting the skids, and deflationary pressures piling on, this could be the Achilles’ heel for semis. The risks are real, and they’re big.

Finally, UBS’s crowding data is flashing another warning—investors are still heavily long on this sector. That means we could be in for a roller-coaster ride of volatility. So, while these oversold semis might look tempting, the smart money knows to tread carefully. Caution is the name of the game, even as opportunities glimmer on the horizon.

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